KLC Associates
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Deployment of the Vision & Truly Aligned Goals Across Functions



Too often, we find that conflicting goals among product development, manufacturing, purchasing
and finance at the Executive level translate into competing targets and lack of cooperation among these functions down through the organization.
This in turn, generates employee cynicism
about the change process.


What We Do:




We ensure cross-functional alignment around Vision, strategy, high level key goals and performance targets is well established in your Executive Operating Group before involving the organization in the change process.With alignment established, we work with your management in every function to drive high level vision, strategy and goals down.

  • At the functional and departmental levels, we will conduct management working sessions to ‘deploy’ the Vision and strategic goals into what is meaningful for each function and department.

    For example, one airline had a high level vision and goals that included “safety”. For the pilots and cock-pit crew, this vision deployed into improving and religiously carrying out pre-flight checking procedures, enhancing team work and clarifying roles and responsibilities; For maintenance, it meant a ‘quality obsession’ mindset, rigor in carrying out routine repairs and ‘going beyond the call of duty’ and ensuring parts and tools were on-hand; For catering, ensuring that food was fresh, uncontaminated, and well-prepared.

  • We also work with functions and departments to translate the higher level, aligned goals into specific, measurable
    objectives throughout the organization that are consistent and mutually reinforcing.


Large Scale Change
Forging Successful Partnerships
Diversity Strategy & Processes
Focused Change & Improvement
Executive & Team Coaching